The Industry Leading GlassParency
Our one-time application of GlassParency is NOT your standard spray-on treatment. It is a two-part chemical application designed to only have a reaction to your glass. GlassParency is considered to be the BEST glass coating treatment in the Automotive Industry, and here’s why!
- One-time application
- Professionally installed
- There is no cure time. It’s instant and customers can drive away immediately, even in the rain!
- Backed by a 3-year warranty
- Included maintenance formula
- Increases visibility in the rain, at night and during snow
- Increased driver reaction time by up to 34%
- Optically improves clarity of glass
- Reduces night- and daytime glare
- Keeps glass clean and pristine
- Increases the overall safety of the driver and passengers
- Free membership in our SMS and email campaign
GlassParency is a patented hydrophobic glass coating which comes with a 3-year warranty! 360 Express Collision & Detailing’s two-step professionally installed application creates a barrier that acts as a long term solution to repel water, snow, ice, dust, oil and dirt, creating a resistant and easy-to-clean surface. Some of the major benefits include enhanced optical clarity, better driver vision, additional safety for the driver and passengers, a reduction in night- and daytime glare, and a more aesthetically appealing look for your vehicle’s glass.
As the harsh winter months approach, GlassParency is the perfect option to protect against the winter elements. Preparing your windshield makes for easy scraping without doing actual damage. The application will also help repel snow and sleet while making ice easier to remove, cutting down defrosting time, making for better driving vision. GlassParency will help you safely get to where you need to be this holiday season without being slowed down by snow and sleet. Make sure to get your application before your travel plans!
Repels Ice & Snow
We understand how frustrating it is to walk out of the house in the morning, ready to drive to work, only to discover that your windshield has been frozen over, putting you at risk for being late. We don’t want you to sacrifice tardiness for safety, or vice versa, which is why we offer GlassParency. In harsh winter months, GlassParency will repel snow and sleet while making ice easier to remove, cutting down defrosting time. Get to where you need to go without being slowed down by snow.
Wash Away Bugs, Dirt, Debris
With GlassParency, you won’t need to worry as often about those small cleaning jobs that pop up at random. Bugs, dirt, mud and hard water stains will have a difficult time sticking to treated glass, making the debris simply wash away. Your glass can take a lot of abuse, but it often shows that abuse. You’ll be protected from the annoyance of seeing a bug smack against your windshield on the highway, leaving a brown stain right in front of you. When you get the GlassParency treatment, you can drive with peace of mind.
Improved Road Vision
Having to pull down the sun visor or put on sunglasses whenever the sun hits your windshield wrong can be an annoyance and even a liability. We also understand how tough it can be to navigate in the rain: The windshield wipers can only do so much. GlassParency will allow for clearer vision due to reduced glare and rain repellency, keeping you and your passengers safer. Avoid any unnecessary windshield annoyances with the GlassParency treatment.